Understanding coastal ecosystems

DYNECO (Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics) is an Ifremer research unit. Our aim is to study the response of coastal ecosystems to anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Our approach focuses on the analysis of physical, biogeochemical and ecological processes, and is based on experimentation, observation and modeling.

Latest news

Comment les activités maritimes risquent-elles d’affecter les estuaires ?

Published on 10 december

The Conversation 09/12/2024

Honeycombworms in virtual reality

Published on 7 november

A virtual walk through the reef constructions created by honeycomworms

Latest events


Séminaire d'Arthur Monjot, postdoc à PELAGOS

Ifremer Plouzané, Bât 216, Salle de réunion Dyneco

Phd Thesis Defense of Mathisse Meyneng

Amphi A, IUEM, Plouzané

The DYNECO unit and its 3 thematic laboratories

Find out more about DYNECO