Spatial and temporal dynamics of human-habitat-biodiversity interactions

DYNECO uses complementary observation, experimentation and modeling tools and approaches to address the various facets of planktonic and benthic biodiversity: risks of proliferation of invasive or harmful species, ecological functions associated with biodiversity, definition of indicators, sensitivity to environmental changes and changes in state, role of abiotic, biotic and endogenous factors (genetic variability) in the spatial distribution of species of interest.

Themes :

♦ Understand and model the dynamics of exploited, introduced or invasive species with a potential impact on the ecosystem.

 ♦ Understand and model the evolution of habitats and the distribution of species of economic or ecological interest in relation to their habitats, in response to disturbances.

 ♦ Build community status and vulnerability indicators to support conservation strategies

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Australia France Network of Doctoral Excellence
