Harmonizing and consolidating water quality high frequency monitoring network in the Seine valley

 2020-2024 :

Upscaling and consolidating our ecosystem observation capacity in the land-sea interface to better apprehend its dynamics and alert about changes.

The PHRESQUES2 project aims at gathering scientific communities to strengthen a high frequency monitoring network of the Seine system, from Paris to the bay of Seine. This meta-network  aggregates three existing networks : MeSeine in Paris, SYNAPSES in the estuary and COAST-HF in the bay of Seine.

DHYSED is involved in the maintenance and consolidation of the SCENES station at the mouth of the estuary. The lab also leads an innovation task dedicated to the characterization and the quantification of mixed (sand and mud) sediment in suspension, coupling optical and acoustic methods.





Scientific contact :

Romaric Verney (DHYSED)

 Collaborations : 

GIP Seine Aval, Univ. Caen, TU Delft

 Financing : 

CPIER vallée de Seine (Agence de l’Eau Seine Normandie, Région Normandie, Région Ile de France)

Who from Dyneco : 

David Le Berre (DHYSED)

Maxime Navon (LERN) et Michel Repecaud (RDT), Alan Bocher (RDT), Tanguy Bescond (RDT)