Defended PhD Theses

PhD thesis of Laure Régnier-Brisson

defended on 08/02/2024

Ecology and dynamics of Black Scallop populations in the bay of Brest



PhD thesis of Alexandre Muller

Estimating functional and phylogenetic diversity in ecosystems structured by engineering species



PhD thesis of Amelia Curd

defended on 07/07/2020

On the Macroecology and Global Distribution of the Ecosystem Engineer, Sabellaria alveolata in a changing world


PhD thesis of Thibault Androuin

defended on 13/12/2018

Trophic ecology of the engineer species Crepidula fornicata and implications for its habitat functioning



PhD thesis of Alexandre Robert

defended on 30/05/2017

Combined effects of natural and anthropogenic factors on benthic invertebrate communities of Norway lobster mudflats in the Bay of Biscay


PhD thesis of Tristan Petit

defended on 07/03/2017
Seabed type characterization and bathymetry estimation by radiative transfer model inversion: Application to hyperspectral imaging of coral reefs


PhD thesis of Aline Blanchet

defended on 19/12/2012

The populations of two epibenthic ophiuroids Ophiothrix fragilis et Ophiocomina nigra at the tip of Brittany (France): evolution and trophic ecology


PhD thesis of Karine Grangeré

defended on 13/01/2009

Ecophysiological response of oyster Crassostrea gigas to the spatio-temporal variability of environmental factors : use of an ecological model


PhD thesis of Clément Violet

defended on 18/12/2023

Trait-Based Models to predict marine ecosystem dynamics




PhD thesis of Lyndsay Clavareau

defended on 16/12/2021

Integrated modelling of depredation in marine ecosystems




PhD thesis of Bastien Taormina

defended on 16/12/2019

Potential impacts of submarine power cables from marine renewable energy projects on benthic communities



PhD thesis of Auriane Jones

defended on 14/12/2017
Effect of an engineer species on the diversity and functioning of benthic communities : the Sabellaria Alveolata reef habitat


PhD thesis of Nikolaos Alexandridis

defended on 28/03/2017

Models of general community assembly mechanisms simulating the spatial and temporal dynamics of benthic biodiversity


PhD thesis of Carine Rigolet

defended on 22/02/2013
Structural and functional diversity of Haploops nirae habitats in South Britany



PhD thesis of Olivier Blanpain

defended on 16/10/2009
Size graded sediment dynamics: from the processes characterization to the transport modelling in the English Channel