A study of Europe's largest Atlantic bivalve financed by the Fond Vert in partnership with LEBCO
New article published by France 3
New article by Martin Marzloff in The Conversation
New publication from the French Invasive Alien Species Resource Centre in collaboration with Amelia Curd
Launch of the BioEOS project on June 15th
The next edition will be held in Brest in 2025!
It would have differentiated itself from its Caribbean counterpart 11 million years ago.
Presentation by Touria Bajjouk entitled " Seeing the deep seafloor with a hyperspectral camera "
Two members of the LEBCO team went to the LER lab of Dinard for four days, in order to study and dissect samples from two fieldwork campaigns
It aims to improve knowledge of two non-indigenous marine species present in the Arcachon basin and the Pertuis Charentais.
On the 14th of October 2021, the LEBCO and UMS Patrimoine Naturel co-organised a one-day on the subject of marine non-indigenous species
A virtual walk through the reef constructions created by honeycomworms
Ecology & growth dynamics of the variegated scallop (Mimachlamys varia) in the Bay of Brest
The next acquisition campaign will take place from 3 to 5 August 2023.
New article by Lindsay Clavareau et al in Ecological modelling
Flavia Nunes presents the #Biodiverde project on the biodiversity of Cape Verde islands
She won the prize for the best poster during the days of the doctoral school of marine and coastal sciences (EDSML).
On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, Le Marin highlights the actions led by France Filière Pêche.
A sensor integration test campaign, co-organized by LEBCO, took place from June 13 to 17, 2022.
The high tides of March made it possible to carry out the 1st annual biodiversity monitoring survey of the ecoblocks of the EMR polder dike.
Immersion in the bay of Brest with a team of the Mascoet project