The MORPHOSEINE project (Seine-Aval 6, 2017-2020), led by the DHYSED lab, aims at investigating the potential morphological changes of the Seine Estuary after 50 years. It is based on the hydrodynamic and multiclass (mud/sand) sediment model developed at Ifremer(MARS3D – WAVE WATCH III® – MUSTANG; Grasso et al. [2018]). A first step is upgrading the simulation of mud/sand behaviour in the sediment model MUSTANG (post-doc fellowship of Baptiste Mengual, 2017-2018). The project involves different morphodynamic analyses in order to evaluate the model ability to simulate realistic morphological changes from mid- to long-time scales (i.e. 10-50 years): hindcast morphodynamics (1960-2010), taking into account anthropogenic changes (e.g. harbour developments, dredging activities); multi-model comparison over the 10-year current morphodynamics (vs TELEMAC3D-ARTELIA); and morphological factor influence on simulations. Finally, two scenarios of rising mean sea level are simulated (+3 mm/year ‘RCP 2.6’ and +24 mm/ year ‘RCP 8.5’, [IPCC 2017]) in order to investigate the morphological adaptation capacity of the estuary over 50 years.
- Grasso F., Verney R., Le Hir P., Thouvenin B., Schulz E., Kervella Y., Khojasteh Pour Fard I., Lemoine J.‐P., Dumas F., Garnier V. (2018). Suspended sediment dynamics in the macrotidal Seine Estuary (France): 1. Numerical modeling of turbidity maximum dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,123(1), 558-577.
- Mengual B., Le Hir P., Rivier A., Caillaud M., Grasso F. (under revision). Numerical modelling of bedload and suspended load contributions to morphological evolutions of the Seine estuary (France). Internal Journal of Sediment Research.
- Grasso F., Mengual B., Le Hir P., Lemoine J.-P., Caillaud M., Thouvenin B. (2019). A retrospective numerical modelling analysis of the Seine Estuary (France) morphodynamics over the last 50 years. RCEM 2019 - 11th River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics Symposium. 16-21 November 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Le Hir P., Lemoine J.-P., Grasso F., Thouvenin B. (2017). Modelling morphodynamics in the sand/mud context of the Seine estuary mouth: methodology, validation and questions. INTERCOH 2017- 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. 13-17 November 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay.
- Mengual B., Le Hir P., Rivier A. (2018). Numerical modelling of bedload and suspended load contributions to the Seine estuary morphodynamics (France). ICEC 2018 - Sixth International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, 20-23 August 2018, Caen, France.