Characterisation And Parameterisation of TURbidity in Estuaries under anthropogenic and climatic pressures, 2021-2024

How can we “simply” predict the turbidity in tidal estuaries?


Turbidity, related to suspended particulate matter, is a key parameter in the functioning of estuaries, impacting the physical, biological, biogeochemical and ecological compartments of the ecosystem. However, this parameter is difficult to estimate in these complex environments, particularly in the face of anthropogenic and climatic pressures.

Based on a comparison of different European estuaries, using a combination of in situ observations and numerical modeling, the aim of the CAPTURE project is to propose a global conceptualization of turbidity in tidal estuaries.


It will help determining the potential responses and trajectories of estuarine systems in the face of global change, as well as to improve the estimation of estuarine turbidity in support of ecological studies and the management of these ecosystems. The production of a systematic characterization tool also aims at identifying estuary typologies in terms of potential turbidity that can be applied to less-documented estuaries.

The CAPTURE project (2021-2024) is funded by the French Agency of Biodiversity (OFB) in the framework of the Inter-Estuary Mission (MIE). Coordinated by Ifremer (DYNECO/DHYSED), CAPTURE brings together more than 30 participants, from 18 institutes within 5 countries, and crosses a dozen disciplines.


Scientific contact :


Collaborations : 

+ 30 participants, 18 institutes, 5 countries:

Ifremer – DYNECO (PI), ARTELIA, BAW (Allemagne), DELTARES (Pays-Bas), EPTB Charente, EPTB Vilaine, Flanders Hydraulics (Belgique), GIP Loire Estuaire, GIP Seine-Aval, INRAE, IOW (Allemagne), PNM Estuaire de la Gironde et Mer des Pertuis, TU Delft (Pays-Bas), UMR BOREA, UMR EPOC, UMR LOG, UMR M2C, WHOI (USA).

Financing : 

French Agency of Biodiversity (OFB) in the framework of the Inter-Estuary Mission (MIE).

Who from Dyneco : 

Anne Daniel (PELAGOS), Romaric Verney (DHYSED).