Land-Sea interface : Let’s Observe Together! Feb. 2024 - Jan. 2028

How filling observation gaps in the land-sea interface by integrating multi-source observation in order to improve our knowledge and understanding of this complex and dynamic transitional area.

LandSeaLot : filling gaps in observation in the Land-Sea Interface

LANDSEALOT aims at integrating in situ observation, citizen science programs, low-cost technologies, high resolution ocean color remote sensing and numerical modelling to fill gaps and extend in our observation and understanding of the land-sea interface.

Ifremer is involved in this project to provide solutions to 3 societal challenges: i) the threats from climate change on coastal and estuarine morphology, ii) the consequences on key habitats sheltering biodiversity and iii) the impact of nutrient inputs on primary production and phytoplankton diversity in the land-sea interface.



Ifremer is the national contact point for this projected led by DELTARES. The institute co-leads two workpackages on low-cost observation and citizen science and the demonstration of methodological developments on LILs, Landsealot Integration Labs. DHYSED also pilot the LIL Seine Estuary and Bay. This LIL is key pilot site as it is supported by a dense observation network (IR ILICO / SNO COAST HF and SYNAPSES network) and benefit from the expertise of the GIP Seine Aval both in term of knowledge with a 30year scientific program but also as key interface with local stakeholders.


LandSeaLot Integration Labs

Scientific contact:

Romaric Verney, DYNECO ; Lucie Cocquempot, ODE.

 Collaborations : 

DELTARES (The Netherlands), CNR (Italy), HEREON (Germany), CNRS (France), SMHI (Sweden), SYKE (Finland), Univ. Of Stirling (UK), Covartec (Norway), GeoEcoMar (Romania), HCMR (Greece), MARIS (The Netherlands), +Atlantic COLAB (Portugal), Norce (Norway), Seascape Belgium (Belgium), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK), TransEurope Marinas, ETT (Italy), Brockmann Consult (Germany), Univ. Liège (Belgium).

 Financing : 

Projet Horizon Europe - EU

Who from Dyneco : 

Solène Le Gac, Matthieu Caillaud, Florent Grasso, Romaric Verney